☆ Credits ☆

The most credit goes to all of the websites I have visited in the past and have saved stuff from. No bad intentions are meant, in the sharing of the collected items. I just want others to be able to enjoy the "oldies but goodies" rather than keeping them stashed in my files gathering dust. :) It's been 15-20 years, so I would not be able to give names or links for them to properly credit them.

Cool Symbols
fancy text and characters generator

Dynamic Drive
HTML, JavaScripts, PHP and more

Free Visitor Counters
free visitor counter with no registration needed!

cool image host

Finally found the source for some of the, long ago, saved blinkies.

where some of the icons were found

cute animations and dolls

SDF Members
for sharing things with me & the forum

terms generator & information

HTML help & more

Web Neko
Kawaii Neko cursor (mouse) chaser

web coding